WA launches interactive spatial planning map

By Dylan Bushell-Embling
Monday, 05 September, 2016

WA launches interactive spatial planning map

The Western Australian Government has launched a new online interactive map designed to let government agencies and the public access spatial planning data for any parcel of land in the state.

PlanWA has been developed by the Planning Institute of Australia and launched by Planning Minister Donna Faragher.

Property owners, businesses and local government stakeholders will be able to access relevant planning schemes and policies, including information on zoning and residential density codes, for any parcel of land.

Users can also use the platform to tailor maps for their own use and connect to aerial imagery to further improve the planning process.

Data is collected from the Western Australian Whole of Government Open Data Policy and Shared Location Information Platform.

Faragher said around 100 local WA governments do not have an online mapping system for planning purposes, and PlanWA will be able to compensate for this absence.

"Those local government authorities which don't have a mapping system on their websites will now be able to access this online resource to assist with planning for their local areas and provide more information to their communities," she said.

"Having information such as zoning and residential density codes can help [users] make more informed decisions, particularly in relation to any future development that may or may not be able to occur in an area."

Image courtesy of yaruman5 under CC

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