Latest Articles

Small IT initiatives delivering greater success for governments

To reduce the costs and political risks associated with large technology project failures, governments are adopting proven practices from other industries.

DataCentre 17 September, 2024

Signs that the data sovereignty discussion in Australia is maturing

Data sovereignty is an important topic and is being spoken about in the public discourse more frequently.

Storage 02 September, 2024

Organisations may be leaving their data open for exploitation

Satellite is attractive as a backup to cellular or as a primary connection where cellular coverage is unavailable, but how do we secure those connections?

Security 02 September, 2024

Transforming government workflows with AI

Empowering every government worker with AI capabilities might sound ambitious, but today's GenAI tools have a user-centric design that makes it achievable.

Cloud 26 August, 2024

Harnessing observability to secure Australia's critical infrastructure

Observability will play a strategic role in fostering digital resilience and innovation in Australia's critical sectors.

Security 07 August, 2024

Featured Products
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Transforming government workflows with AI

Transforming government workflows with AI

Empowering every government worker with AI capabilities might sound ambitious, but today's GenAI tools have a user-centric design that makes it...

Article 26 August, 2024
Building a plane while you fly it: challenges in public sector digital transformation

Building a plane while you fly it: challenges in public sector digital transformation

Achieving flexibility becomes possible when implementing an agility layer, as it provides the ability to scale IT infrastructure effortlessly.

Article 04 June, 2024
Data Centre
Small IT initiatives delivering greater success for governments

Small IT initiatives delivering greater success for governments

To reduce the costs and political risks associated with large technology project failures, governments are adopting proven practices from other...

Article 17 September, 2024
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