AUSTRAC plans counterterrorism codeathon
18 January, 2018 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingParticipants will take part in a 32-hour event designed to find solutions to complex challenges in tackling terrorism financing.
1 in 10 Aussies' health records exposed
18 December, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingDe-identified Medicare Benefits Scheme and PBS datasets released by the Department of Health can be re-identified by matching the data against known patient information, research shows.
Emergency warning system deployed in Melbourne
11 December, 2017A network of speakers is being deployed in Melbourne's CBD to provide warnings and information to the community during an emergency.
Govt agencies will soon need privacy officers
08 November, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingUnder a new code due to take effect mid-next year, Australian government agencies will need to appoint both a privacy officer and privacy champion and develop a tailored privacy management plan.
Committee rubbishes agencies' security compliance
25 October, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingAustralian Government departments and agencies still have much to do to ensure compliance with the government's cybersecurity threat mitigation strategies, a joint committee has found.
Australian borders protected by Unisys technology
23 October, 2017Critical Australian immigration systems will now be managed by Unisys, after the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) signed a three-year contract with the company.
Review recommends tightening Medicare security
18 October, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingAn independent review of a reported major DHS data breach has made 14 recommendations for tightening the security of Medicare card numbers.
Joint Cyber Security Centre opens in Melbourne
12 October, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe second of five planned Joint Cyber Security Centres has been established to help provide a collaborative environment for tackling cyber threats.
OAIC wins international privacy awards
11 October, 2017 by Jonathan NallyIts 2015 Ashley Madison data breach investigation has seen the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner jointly win two prestigious awards.
Victoria appoints first CISO
10 October, 2017The Victorian Government has appointed its first chief information security officer, charged with tackling the rise of cyber threats.
Utilities fear power grid disruption from cyber attacks
06 October, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingNearly 2 in 3 utility company executives believe there is at least a moderate risk that their country's power grid could be knocked offline by weaponised malware within the next five years.
Macquarie Government cleared to handle sensitive data
26 September, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingMacquarie Government has completed the accreditation process for the ASD's highest level of certification for public cloud services for government customers.
Govt to invest $50m in cybersecurity CRC
25 September, 2017 by Dylan Bushell-EmblingThe federal government and 25 industry, research and government partners will provide a total of $139 million for a new cooperative research centre on cybersecurity.
War begins on cyber threats
19 September, 2017The first Cyber War Games is being hosted by the federal government.
Victorian hospitals aim to prevent cyber attack
14 September, 2017A new cybersecurity trial is being launched in Victorian hospitals, aimed at keeping them safe from hackers.